Protection & Prosperity

Financial Planning and Protection

Insurance and financial advice to take care of you no matter what comes next.

Sign up for a complimentary financial consultation.

Do you have a long list of financial goals?

We specialise in partitioning your financial world to gain perspective and understanding of your needs, this is so that we can tailor a solution to fit your personal situation unique to you.

We help you to unravel the needs from the wants, the short term from the long term and set a path traversing from your present to your future of financial wellness.

The act of identifying, breaking down, and ordering your goals is the first meaningful step to moving forward. We start by understanding you, we end by empowering you with the steps and strategies required.


Our Process

Developing a relationship begins with understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, like you we specialise, allowing us to maximise your outcome with an understanding of you as a person, what is the goal is one question, but why that goal is what makes it achievable. How we support you:

  • We hone in on your goal and break it into its base components, and then devise manageable steps to achieving it.
  • We apply legislative insight to leverage your resources and enhance your outcome towards the achievement of that goal.
  • We know the ins and outs of financial products to choose the right tool for the job.
  • We problem solve and offer a layer of protection when your goals stray off track.
  • We specialise so that you can specialise.
  • We offer flexible appointment times as we understand that work comes first.

What Now?

Let’s Talk

Learn how we can help you by accessing financial products and strategies. Get in touch and let's have a chat.

Let's Meet

Phone calls are great but sometimes you just need to see the person behind the line. Drop us a line and we'll organise a Zoom meeting at a time that suits.

There is no time like the present to protect yourself, your family and your finances.


Our Awards:

We would highly recommend this firm...
Ian has been so helpful and professional with all our financial needs and has gone above and beyond in assisting us with financial advice. When my husband became very ill, Ian’s professional knowledge was invaluable he truly knows his products inside and out. We would highly recommend this firm and the professional services that they provide.
Gillian & Dominic P.
I was impressed with the service...
Thank you for your work during my super change over. I was impressed with the service which is very handy for me as a single Dad. I have a very busy workload and your help in looking for a good provider and making the transition easy was very rewarding.
Michael R.
Made it very easy to make the final decision...
My experience with GB Advice to date has been great, particularly the way the process was approached, asking a number of questions to get a good understanding of my situation and what I may need. Probably the best part is that you never tried to sell me anything rather asked the right questions / discussion so I sold it to myself. Then after all the questions and discussions simply laying out some options that would suit from the answers I gave made it very easy to make the final decision.
Ron H.